perl learning : read xml to hash table

#get node tag of a nodestring like <%TAG% ... >
#in param: the nodestring
#return value: the tag : %TAG%
sub GetNodeTag
my ($NodeString) = @_;
$NodeString =~ m/</s*//(/w+)/s*>/ or $NodeString =~ m/</s*(/w+).*?>/;
return $1;

#get the attributes of a node that description by a string like
#in param1: the nodestring
#in param2: a array to store the names and values of the attributes
#in the array: name1, value1, name2, value2, name3, value3,...
sub GetAtribList
my ($nodestring, $atribarray) = @_;
@$atribarray = $nodestring =~ m/(/w+)/s*=/s*/"(/w*?)/"/g;

#push the attributes of a node into a hash that reprent the node
#in param1: the nodestring
#in param2: the hash that will reprent the node
sub pushattributes
my ($nodestring, $hash) = @_;
my @tsarray = ();
GetAtribList($nodestring, /@tsarray);
if (@tsarray)
for (my $j = 0; $j < @tsarray;)
my $key = @tsarray[$j];
my $value = @tsarray[$j+1];
$$hash{$key} = $value; $j += 2;

#push a couple of key and value to a hash
#in param1: the key
#in param2: the value
#in param3: the hash
sub pushhash
my ($key, $value, $hash) = @_;
if ($hash =~ /^HASH/)
if (exists $$hash{$key})
$ekvalue = $$hash{$key};
if ($ekvalue =~ /^ARRAY/)
my @array=@{$ekvalue};
my $index = @array;
$$hash{$key}[$index] = $value;
my @tparray = ();
push (@tparray, $ekvalue);
push (@tparray, $value);
$$hash{$key} = $value;

#generate a xml dom hash by a nodearray that contained the nodestring of the xml file
#in param1: the nodearray that contained all the nodestring in the xml file <...>
#in param2: the begin pos to generate the xml dom hash in the nodearray
#in param3: the end pos to generate the xml dom hash in the nodearray
#in param4: the hash
sub GenerateXMLDom
my ($nodearray, $begin, $length, $root)=@_;
for (my $i=$begin; $i<$begin + $length; )
$temp = $$nodearray[$i];
my ($nodetag) = GetNodeTag($temp);
if ($temp =~ m////s*>/) #single node
my %tshash1 = ();
pushattributes($temp, /%tshash1);
pushhash($nodetag, /%tshash1, $root); $i++; next;
elsif ($temp =~ m/</s*///) #end of complex node
else #complex node
my %tshash2 = ();
pushattributes($temp, /%tshash2);
my $headnum = 1;
my $endnum = 0;
my $start = $i;
while ($endnum != $headnum && $i < $begin + $length-1)
my $nextnode = $$nodearray[$i];
if ($nextnode =~ m////s*>/) #single node
elsif ($nextnode =~ m/</s*///) #end of complex node

my $len = $i - $start;
GenerateXMLDom(/@nodearray, $start+1, $len-2, /%tshash2);
pushhash($nodetag, /%tshash2, $root); next;

#my xml simple, to read a xml file into a hash
#in param: the xml file to read
#return value: the hash that contained the xml dom content
sub MyXMLSimple
my ($xmlfile) = @_;
open (INFILE, "$xmlfile") or die "can't open $xmlfile for reading $!";
while ($line=)
chomp $line;
close INFILE;
#delete xml comment $filecontent =~ s///g;
#cut file context by <...>
@nodearray = $filecontent =~ m/<.*?>/g;
$length = @nodearray;
%rootnode = (); #the root node of the xml file
#construct the xml dom struct
GenerateXMLDom(/@nodearray, 0, $length, /%rootnode);
return %rootnode;

#test code
(%xmldoc) = MyXMLSimple("test.xml");


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