
Showing posts with the label tensorflow

Fix up : Configurable attribute "copts" doesn't match this configuration

ERROR: /home/lenger/.cache/bazel/_bazel_lenger/e744db622218e02ee1e2cbf3b8750f17/external/nsync/BUILD:402:13: Configurable attribute "copts" doesn't match this configuration ( would a default condition help? ). Conditions checked:  @nsync//:android_arm  @nsync//:android_arm64  @nsync//:android_armeabi  @nsync//:android_x86_32  @nsync//:android_x86_64  @nsync//:clang_macos_x86_64  @nsync//:gcc_linux_aarch64  @nsync//:gcc_linux_ppc64  @nsync//:gcc_linux_x86_64_1  @nsync//:gcc_linux_x86_64_2  @nsync//:ios_x86_64  @nsync//:msvc_windows_x86_64. Solution: vim /home/lenger/.cache/bazel/_bazel_lenger/e744db622218e02ee1e2cbf3b8750f17/external/nsync/BUILD Add a default conditions there as marked as red line below: NSYNC_OPTS_GENERIC = select({     # Select the CPU architecture include directory.     # This select() has no real effect in the C++11 build, but satisfies a     # #include that would otherwise need a #if.     ":gcc_linux_x86_64_1": ["-I" + pkg_

Cross compile tensorflow for armv7l targets via bazel


Generate image dataset from one folder, label each image one by one, for machine learning via tensorflow

This is an update for previous post. It is hard to collect enough images for your machine traning. So I update this post to append images once you find some to your existed dataset. All you need to do is copy your images to a folder and run the python script. Of cause, you have to label each image while running the python script. Below python script just have two label, 0 means cat, 1 means dog. You can add more labels by just modify blue codes.

How to fix tf.nn.in_top_k out of range issue: tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: targets[0] is out of range

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: targets[0] is out of range          [[Node: InTopK = InTopK[T=DT_INT32, k=1, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](softmax_linear/softmax_linear, Reshape_1)]] Caused by op u'InTopK', defined at:

Create your own dataset for machine learning, same format as CIFAR-10 dataset, via PIL and numpy

Refers: The CIFAR-10 dataset consists of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes. ClixSense Click on the cat job use the image that its size is 128 x 96 px, and the image is cat or dog, no other type. I want to use CNN to do machine learning for this job.  I collected some images now. The key python codes to append one image with label to the dataset is as below: from PIL import Image import numpy as np   im =   im = (np.array(im))   r = im[:,:,0].flatten()   g = im[:,:,1].flatten()   b = im[:,:,2].flatten()   if iscat:     label = [0]   else:     label = [1]   out  = np.array(list(label) + list(r) + list(g) + list(b), np.uint8)   out.tofile(dataset)

Installing tensorflow with CPU support only from source on Ubuntu 16.04

Refers :