
Showing posts from March, 2023

How to pass properties from native(Android) to React Native?

You can pass properties down to the React Native app by providing a custom implementation of ReactActivityDelegate in your main activity. This implementation should override getLaunchOptions to return a Bundle with the desired properties. The key part is a custom implementation of ReactActivityDelegate I always like to show you code first before dive deep the implementation. ReactRootView The guide says how to set app properties via a react root view, but it didn't mention how you can get i  

App launch ads implementation guide for your React Native (Android app)

You might follow the app open implementation guide to integrate the SDK. This guide is intended for publishers integrating app open ads using the Google Mobile Ads Android SDK. App open ads can be closed at any time, and are designed to be shown when your users bring your app to the foreground. As you observed, the app open ads is not shown when your app first got lunched. Assuming your react native app might take some time to show up, you might think of showing a loading spinner to the users  

mark my first open source contribute to nx Vite

make vite:build executor return outfile for node executor by lengerrong · Pull Request #15002 · nrwl/nxfixed #14760 Current Behavior js:node executor can’t use vite:build as build targetExpected Behavior js:node executor should be able to use vite:build as build targetRelated Issue(s) #1476...GitHubnrwlfeat(vite): add outfile for build executor (#15002) by mandarini · Pull Request #15845 · nrwl/nxMoved from here: #15002GitHubnrwl  

base64 encode/decode padding

You might found base64 string somehow looks like always ends with "=". In fact, "=" is a padding when the base64 string length is not times 4. for example, "" string convert to base64 will be "ZXJyb25nLndpbg==". The last two "=" are called padding. issue with command "echo xxx | base64" in k8s, the opaque Secret is encoding the secret value with base64. But it is not safe, better to use SealedSecret. Encrypt your Secret into a SealedSecret, which is safe to store - even inside a p