
Showing posts with the label android

Android java: How to display phonetic symbol with correct fonts via WebView ?

First, Download lingoes font file Android default fonts can not display phonetic symbol. lingoes.ttf can, please download it. Second, Put lingoes.ttf to assets/font Last, Add "lingoes" font-family in css files under assets @font-face { font-family: 'lingoes'; src:url('file:///android_asset/fonts/lingoes.ttf') format('truetype'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } Use "lingoes" as font-family for the phonetic symbol content Android java : How to load html files in assets via WebView?

Android java : How to load html files in assets via WebView?

The base url for html files under the assets of your app is "file:///android_asset/" WebView wv = new WebView(context); wv.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); wv.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/coca/coca_00001_the.html");

Android java : How to copy/move file from assets to absolute path?

private void moveAssets(String assets_file_path, String absolutePath) throws IOException { File wwwFile = new File(absolutePath); if (wwwFile.exists()) return; InputStream is = activity.getAssets().open(assets_file_path); byte[] buffer = new byte[is.available()];; is.close(); wwwFile.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(wwwFile); os.write(buffer); os.close(); }

Android java: How to orientation activity layout automatically ?

Add ~ android:screenOrientation="fullSensor" ~ to the activity AndroidManifest.xml activity android:name=".MainActivity" android:screenOrientation="fullSensor"

Android how to detect/register language/locale change listener/receiver

The easy way is to register a BroadcastReceiver for Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED . Example: change your ViewModel data when language/locale changed. public class QASViewModel extends ViewModel { @SuppressLint ( "StaticFieldLeak" ) private final FragmentActivity activity ; public QASViewModel ( @NonNull FragmentActivity activity ) { this . activity = activity ; setLangReceiver (); } private void setLangReceiver () { final QASViewModel qasViewModel = this ; final BroadcastReceiver langReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver () { @Override public void onReceive ( Context context , Intent intent ) { // do action when language change } }; activity . getApplicationContext (). registerReceiver ( langReceiver , new IntentFilter ( Intent . ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED )); } }

Android ViewModel with ArgsConstructor via Custom ViewModelFactory

Android ViewModel is very useful. However ViewModel has no args constructor by default. Typical usage of ViewModel looks like: public class UserModel extends ViewModel { } final UserModel viewModel = ViewModelProviders . of ( this ). get ( UserModel . class ); Let's look the definition of ViewModelProviders.of method. /** * Creates a {@link ViewModelProvider}, which retains ViewModels while a scope of given Activity * is alive. More detailed explanation is in {@link ViewModel}. * * It uses the given {@link Factory} to instantiate new ViewModels. * * @param activity an activity, in whose scope ViewModels should be retained * @param factory a {@code Factory} to instantiate new ViewModels * @return a ViewModelProvider instance */ @NonNull @MainThread public static ViewModelProvider of ( @NonNull FragmentActivity activity , @Nullable Factory factory ) { Have you found it? We can pas