Fix up : Configurable attribute "copts" doesn't match this configuration

ERROR: /home/lenger/.cache/bazel/_bazel_lenger/e744db622218e02ee1e2cbf3b8750f17/external/nsync/BUILD:402:13: Configurable attribute "copts" doesn't match this configuration (would a default condition help?).
Conditions checked:

vim /home/lenger/.cache/bazel/_bazel_lenger/e744db622218e02ee1e2cbf3b8750f17/external/nsync/BUILD

Add a default conditions there as marked as red line below:

    # Select the CPU architecture include directory.
    # This select() has no real effect in the C++11 build, but satisfies a
    # #include that would otherwise need a #if.
    ":gcc_linux_x86_64_1": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/x86_64"],
    ":gcc_linux_x86_64_2": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/x86_64"],
    ":gcc_linux_aarch64": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/aarch64"],
    ":gcc_linux_ppc64": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/ppc64"],
    ":clang_macos_x86_64": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/x86_64"],
    ":ios_x86_64": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/x86_64"],
    ":android_x86_32": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/x86_32"],
    ":android_x86_64": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/x86_64"],
    ":android_armeabi": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/arm"],
    ":android_arm": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/arm"],
    ":android_arm64": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/aarch64"],
    ":msvc_windows_x86_64": ["-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/x86_64"],
    "//conditions:default": [],
}) + [
    "-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/public",
    "-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/internal",
    "-I" + pkg_path_name() + "/platform/posix",
] + select({
    ":msvc_windows_x86_64": [
    "//conditions:default": [


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