How to install ubuntu 16.04 on windows via grub4dos, dual boot system

first download grub4dos tool and ubuntu 16.04 iso
here is the links I used, or you can google it.
ubuntu 16.04 iso

extract grub4dos zip file, you will get a folder named grub4dos-0.4.4
just copy below 4 files to your system disk(for me, it is c:/)
grldr menu.lst grldr.mbr grub.exe

extract ubuntu 16.04 iso and find below two files in casper folder.
vmlinuz initrd.lz
copy them to your system disk too

now your system disk root folder should includes files like below:

please ensure all the marked 7 files are there.

first, let's modify menu.lst and add below content to the end.

title Install Ubuntu
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-i386.iso locale=zh_CN.UTF-8
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.lz

hd0,0 means the first disk device and the first partition from that.
and where your windows system default installed.
if your windows installed on second partition, it should be like hd0,1
or your windows installed on second disk, it should be like hd1,0
please change it depends on your system, otherwise it will not work.

/ubuntu-16.04.2-desktop-i386.iso is the ubuntu iso file name

second, modify c:\boot.ini, just add one line to the end.
c:\grldr="Ubuntu Install"

boot.ini is hidden by default, you need to change folder option and let it show.

OK. prepare work done.
Now just restart your computer and select "Ubuntu Install" to install it.
Regarding how to install dual boot system,
please click me.

Once completed, please remember back to your windows and delete the seven files
you placed there before.


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