
说:我遭遇患难求告耶和华,你就应允我;从阴间的深处呼求,你就俯听我的声音。 (约拿书 2:2 和合本)
He said: “In my distress I called to the Lord , and he answered me. From deep in the realm of the dead I called for help, and you listened to my cry.  (Jonah 2:2 NIV)
你将我投下深渊,就是海的深处;大水环绕我,你的波浪洪涛都漫过我身。 (约拿书 2:3 和合本)
You hurled me into the depths, into the very heart of the seas, and the currents swirled about me; all your waves and breakers swept over me.  (Jonah 2:3 NIV)
我说:我从你眼前虽被驱逐,我仍要仰望你的圣殿。 (约拿书 2:4 和合本)
I said, ‘I have been banished from your sight; yet I will look again toward your holy temple.’  (Jonah 2:4 NIV)
诸水环绕我,几乎淹没我;深渊围住我;海草缠绕我的头。 (约拿书 2:5 和合本)
The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head.  (Jonah 2:5 NIV)
我下到山根,地的门将我永远关住。耶和华—我的 神啊,你却将我的性命从坑中救出来。 (约拿书 2:6 和合本)
To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit.  (Jonah 2:6 NIV)
我心在我里面发昏的时候,我就想念耶和华。我的祷告进入你的圣殿,达到你的面前。 (约拿书 2:7 和合本)
“When my life was ebbing away, I remembered you, Lord , and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple.  (Jonah 2:7 NIV)
那信奉虚无之神的人,离弃怜爱他们的主; (约拿书 2:8 和合本)
“Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.  (Jonah 2:8 NIV)
但我必用感谢的声音献祭与你。我所许的愿,我必偿还。救恩出于耶和华。 (约拿书 2:9 和合本)
But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord .’ ”  (Jonah 2:9 NIV)


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