react-native : Native Modules, name prefix "RCT"works for android too

I tried to export wechat sdk as a native module.
I copied some codes here:
public class WeChatModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule implements IWXAPIEventHandler {
  private String appId; 
  public WeChatModule(ReactApplicationContext context) { 
  @Override     public String getName() { 
    return "RCTWeChat"; 
I used "RCTWeChat" as the module name, I did not know the "RCT" prefix meanings.

ReactContextBaseJavaModule requires that a method called getName is implemented. The purpose of this method is to return the string name of the NativeModule which represents this class in JavaScript.

Then I encountered error in my react-native JS codes.
import {NativeModules} from 'react-native'; const { RCTWeChat } = NativeModules; 
WeChat or NativeModules.RCTWeChat always undefined.


RCT is a prefix used in react native, it will be removed when exported to JS.
React Native uses RCT as a prefix. In order to avoid name collisions, we recommend using a three-letter prefix other than RCT in your own classes.


The correct JS codes:
const { WeChat } = NativeModules;


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