react-native : Modal example, share to WeChat


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import React, { Component } from 'react'; import {     Button, 	Modal,     Image,     Keyboard,     NativeModules,     Platform,     StyleSheet,     Text,     TextInput,     TouchableOpacity,     View,     WebView, } from 'react-native';  const { WeChat } = NativeModules;  const SHARE_TO_WXTIMELINE = 0; const SHARE_TO_WXSESSION = 1; const webview = "webview"; const HOME_URL = "";  export default class App extends Component<{}> {    componentWillMount () {     this.keyboardDidHideListener = Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', () => {this.keyboardDidHide()});   }    componentWillUnmount () {     this.keyboardDidHideListener.remove();   }    keyboardDidHide () {     console.log( this.urlText );     if (this.urlText != null) {       this.setState({url:this.urlText});     }   }    constructor(props) {     super(props);     this.state = {shareModalVisible : false, url : HOME_URL, urlBarVisible : true};   }    setShareModalVisible(visible) {     this.setState({shareModalVisible : visible});   }    onShare(scene) {     this.setShareModalVisible(false); 	this.scene = scene;     if (this.shareMsg == null)       return;     if (WeChat.shareToTimeline)       WeChat.shareToTimeline(this.shareMsg, this.scene, null);   }    onWebViewMessage(event) {     console.warn(;     let msg;     try {       msg = JSON.parse(;     } catch (err) {       console.warn(err);       return;     }     if ( == "ABSTRACT_FETCHED")       this.shareMsg = msg;   }    genAbstractJS() {     const genAbstractFunction = function() {       try {         let title;         let description;         let imageUrl;         let msg;         let n = document.querySelector('head title');         if (n)             title = n.innerText;         n = document.querySelector('p');         if (n)             description = n.innerText;         n = document.querySelector('p img');         if (n)             imageUrl = n.src;         if (description && imageUrl) {             msg = { 'id' : 'ABSTRACT_FETCHED',                     'type' : 'textimage',                     'description' : description,                     'imageUrl': imageUrl                   };         } else {            msg = { 'id' : 'ABSTRACT_FETCHED',                    'type' : 'news',                    'webpageUrl' : window.location.href                  };         }         window.postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg), "*");       } catch (err) {         console.warn(err);       }     }     let js = "(" + String(genAbstractFunction) + ")();";     console.log(js);     return js;   }    onLoadEnd() {     this.refs[webview].injectJavaScript(this.genAbstractJS());   }    onUrlBar() {   }    renderUrlBar() {     if (this.state.urlBarVisible) {       return (         <TouchableOpacity style={styles.urlbar} onPress={() => {this.onUrlBar()}}>           <TextInput             style={styles.urlentry}             placeholder="search or input url"             onChangeText={(text) => {this.urlText = text}}           />         </TouchableOpacity>       )     } else {       return null;     }   }    render() {     return (     <View style={{flex:1}}>       {this.renderUrlBar()}       <WebView         ref={webview}         style={{flex:1}}         javaScriptEnabled={true}         onMessage={(event) => {this.onWebViewMessage(event)}}         onLoadEnd={this.onLoadEnd.bind(this)}         source={{uri:this.state.url}}       />       <Button         onPress={() => {this.setShareModalVisible(true)}}         title="Share"         color="#841584"         accessibilityLabel="Social Share"       /> 	  <Modal 		transparent={true} 		visible={this.state.shareModalVisible} 		> 		<View style={styles.sgc}>           <View style={styles.sharegroup}>             <TouchableOpacity style={styles.sharebutton} onPress={() => {this.onShare(SHARE_TO_WXTIMELINE)}}>               <Image                 source={require('./res/img/wxtimeline.png')}               />             </TouchableOpacity>             <TouchableOpacity style={styles.sharebutton} onPress={() => {this.onShare(SHARE_TO_WXSESSION)}}>               <Image                 source={require("./res/img/wxsession.png")}               />             </TouchableOpacity>           </View> 		</View> 	  </Modal>     </View>     );   } }  const styles = StyleSheet.create({   urlbar:{   	backgroundColor:'#fafad2',     borderTopLeftRadius:4,     borderTopRightRadius:4,     borderBottomLeftRadius:4,     borderBottomRightRadius:4,     boderColor : '#C0C0C0',     borderWidth: 1   },   urlentry:{     height: 40   },   sgc:{   	height:100,     width:300,     borderTopLeftRadius:10,     borderTopRightRadius:10,     borderBottomLeftRadius:10,     borderBottomRightRadius:10,     alignSelf: 'center',   	top:400,   	backgroundColor:'#fafad2'   },   sharegroup: {   	flex:1, 	flexDirection: 'row',   	alignItems: 'center',   	justifyContent: 'space-around',   },   sharebutton: {     width:64,     height:64   } }) 


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