
Ghost publishing platform sources: how hbs template engine is set to its site app

core js codes in core/server/services/themes/active.js: // Set the views and engine siteApp.set('views', this.path); siteApp.engine('hbs', engine.configure(this.partialsPath)); Refers

sqlite3 show all tables of a database

show all tables of a database open database file via sqlite3 sqlite3 content/data/ghost-dev.db command to list all tables .tables || .table $sqlite3 content/data/ghost-dev.db SQLite version 3.11.0 2016-02-15 17:29:24 Enter ".help" for usage hints. sqlite> .tables accesstokens migrations refreshtokens api_keys migrations_lock roles app_fields mobiledoc_revisions roles_users app_settings permissions sessions apps permissions_apps settings brute permissions_roles subscribers client_trusted_domains permissions_users tags clients posts users integrations posts_authors webhooks invites posts_tags show table structure se

coca top 20000 words: TOP 20000 words from Corpus of Contemporary American English

TOP 20000 words Here you are!

Hack to ghost core: mount/add new apps/sites on your ghost server

Install ghost from source First, you should know how to develop with ghost . create a new react app under core/server folder simple example core/server$ mkdir newapp core/server$ cd newapp core/server/newapp$ Ghost/core/server/web/newapp$ ls app.js controller.js index.js Ghost/core/server/web/newapp$ cat index.js module.exports = require('./app'); Ghost/core/server/web/newapp$ cat app.js const express = require('express'); module.exports = function setupNewApp() { const newApp = express(); newApp.get('*', require('./controller')); return newApp; }; Ghost/core/server/web/newapp$ cat controller.js const path = require('path'); module.exports = function newAppController(req, res) { res.send('Welcome to new App!'); }; Add route for your new site/app ./core/server/app.js // Mount the apps on the parentApp // ADMIN parentApp.use('/ghost', require('./admin')()); // import new

A simple web audio player, bind to <span/>, one click, audio play, click again, audio stop

example All you have to is to write below html code: a span with class name of word-audio and attribute of data-src pointed to a audio stream resource   <span class='word-audio audio' style='display:inline-block'  data-src=' p17/fe6d95af2cee33.mp3'></span>    Bertie Higgins — Casablanca word.js function startAnimation(e) { if (e.className == 'word-audio audio') e.className = 'word-audio audio-light'; else if (e.className == 'word-audio audio-light') e.className = 'word-audio audio-playing'; else e.className = 'word-audio audio' console.log(e.className); } function play(e, context, audioBuffer) { if (e.state == 1) { e.source.stop(); e.source.onended(); e.source = null; } else { e.state = 1; const source = context.createBufferSource(); e.source = source;

How to extract media files from a anki flashcard package(*.apkg)

*.apkg The .apkg file is a zip file (as you know). Inside, you'll find the collection (an sqlite3 database of notes/cards), the media file which you were trying to open, and a bunch of numbered files 0-whatever number(these are media files). Just use 7zip tool open the apkg file and extract into a folder. open the "media" file via a text editor tool to find the media file extension. example of "media" {"16486": "COCA_16486.mp3", } rename "16486" file to a mp3 file, then you got the media file. how media used in flash card Export your flash cards into a plain text. [sound:COCA_16486.mp3] spatially <div style=''>英['speɪʃəlɪ] 美['speɪʃəlɪ]</div> <div style=''>adv.空间地,存在于空间地;</div> "<div><br /></div><div style='color:RosyBrown'>ADJ</div><div style='color:OrangeRed'>空间的;与空间有关的</div><div style=""font-weigh

fix up chromium m47 build error: unsupported reloc 42 against global symbol gmon_start

Error: error: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5.3.1/../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/crti.o: unsupported reloc 42 against global symbol gmon_start Solution: export GYP_DEFINES="linux_use_bundled_gold=0"