sqlite3 show all tables of a database

show all tables of a database

open database file via sqlite3
sqlite3 content/data/ghost-dev.db
command to list all tables
.tables || .table

$sqlite3  content/data/ghost-dev.db       SQLite version 3.11.0 2016-02-15 17:29:24 Enter ".help" for usage hints. sqlite> .tables accesstokens            migrations              refreshtokens          api_keys                migrations_lock         roles                  app_fields              mobiledoc_revisions     roles_users            app_settings            permissions             sessions               apps                    permissions_apps        settings               brute                   permissions_roles       subscribers            client_trusted_domains  permissions_users       tags                   clients                 posts                   users                  integrations            posts_authors           webhooks               invites                 posts_tags             

show table structure

select * from tablename;

sqlite> select * from posts; id|uuid|title|slug|mobiledoc|html|comment_id|plaintext|feature_image|featured|page|status|locale|visibility|meta_title|meta_description|author_id|created_at|created_by|updated_at|updated_by|published_at|published_by|custom_excerpt|codeinjection_head|codeinjection_foot|og_image|og_title|og_description|twitter_image|twitter_title|twitter_description|custom_template 


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