Favourite VIM plugin, Mark : Highlight several words in different colours simultaneously.

my favourite best best best vim plugin



vim mark *.vmb.gz :so % 




vim ingo-library*.vmb.gz :so % 




  1. Okay...

    This might sound a little weird, maybe even kind of "out there"....

    HOW would you like it if you could just click "PLAY" to listen to a short, "magical tone"...

    And miraculously attract MORE MONEY into your LIFE?

    What I'm talking about is BIG MONEY, even MILLIONS of DOLLARS!

    Do you think it's too EASY? Think this couldn't possibly be for REAL?!?

    Well then, I've got news for you...

    Sometimes the most significant blessings in life are the easiest to RECEIVE!

    In fact, I will PROVE it to you by allowing you to PLAY a REAL "magical wealth building tone" I've produced...

    YOU just hit "PLAY" and the money will start coming into your life. starting pretty much right away.

    CLICK here now to experience this magical "Miracle Money-Magnet Sound Frequency" - it's my gift to you!


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