
Automate Form Filling in PDFs Using iText 5 Library in Java

Have you ever needed to automatically fill out PDF forms with preset data using a Java application? In this post, we'll explore how to achieve this using the iText 5 library. iText is a popular Java library for creating and manipulating PDF documents, including form filling. We'll walk you through the steps to load an existing PDF form, access form fields, set values, and even flatten the form to make it read-only. Let's get started. Step 1: Add iText 5 Library Before we begin, ensure that you  

Efficient File Transfer: Pushing and Pulling Files Between a Spring Boot App and an sFTP Server

Are you a developer looking to seamlessly exchange files between your Spring Boot application and an sFTP server? Whether it's pushing files from your app to the server or pulling files from the server to your app, this post will guide you through the process. In this tutorial, we'll cover the steps for both operations to make your file transfers smooth and reliable. Pushing Files from Spring Boot to sFTP Server 1. Dependency Setup: First, make sure your Spring Boot project is equipped with t  

A Momentary Pause: Embracing New Ventures and Gratitude

Introduction: Hello, dear readers of []! It's been a bit quiet here for the past couple of months, and I owe you an explanation. Life has been a whirlwind of exciting activities and a dash of hard work. In this post, I'd like to take a moment to share with you the incredible journey that has kept me away from writing and how my team and I have been diligently crafting something wonderful behind the scenes. The Birth of a New Project: For the past two months, my energies have been f  

3 ways to speed up your nx react webpack app

When it comes to user experience, a website’s loading time is one of the deciding success factors. The patience of visitors is steadily decreasing. Most of them will abandon a site if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds. For a business that means lost sales, leads, and opportunities. It’s a real sales killer. In this post, I will share you 3 ways to speed up your web site loading time if it is build via nx, webpack and react. Lazy-loading components with Suspense lazy lets you defer loading com