
How to write integration tests against LDAP in your spring boot java application?

The answer is to use an embedded ldap server. spring-ldap-test bring an embedded ldap server based on ApacheDS or UnboundID. In this post, I will demo how I use UnboundID and spring-ldap-test to do testing against an embedded LDAP server. The UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java is a fast, powerful, user-friendly, and completely free Java library for communicating with LDAP directory servers. It offers better performance, better ease of use, and more features than other Java-based LDAP APIs. It is act  

How to do PGP decryption in Java?

In my previous post, I mentioned how to encrypt data with PGP public key. In this post, I will tell you how to decrypt the data with PGP private key. You need a PGP key pair to test the encryption and decryption and see it works. Check this post to generate the PGP key pair. Read|Load PGPPrivateKey from file don't forget the deps before you write your code. Check the encrypt post for it. Notes: The userId is the Real name + email address in format like: `Real <Email>` , you were asked to pro  

How to do PGP encryption in Java?

In order to do PGP encryption, you need the PGP public key file. In this post I will tell how to encrypt data with PGP public key in Java. Dependencies Welcome to the home of the Legion of the Bouncy Castle. A fun place to stay, if you've got some time to kill. bouncycastle.orgHome of open source libraries of the Legion of the Bouncy Castle and their Java cryptography and C# cryptography resources The Bouncy Castle Cry  

How to Generate your PGP Key pairs?

Strong recommend PGP Tool - Online PGP Key Generator Encryption Decryption Tool. Notes: All the required options are import to generate the key pairs. Especially the name, email address and passphrase are critical for PGP decryption. "Name <Email address>" will be the user id of the generated PGP private key. You will use it with passphrase to decrypt the encrypted message by PGP public key. I will write another 2 posts to guide how you can encrypt message using PGP public key and decrypt the