English Language : 20 ways to give advice


  • You have to ...
  • You'd better ...
  • You should ...
  • You ought to ...
  • You could ...


  • If I were you, I'd ...
  • If I were in your shoes, I'd ...
  • If you want my advise, I think ...
  • If you really want to know, I'd ...
  • If I were in your position, I'd ...


  • I suggest (that) you ...
  • I recommend (that) you ...
  • I urge you ...
  • I would advise you to ...


  • You're gonna wanna ...
  • You might wanna consider
  • You should probably consider
  • You should maybe think about ...
  • Have you thought about ... ?
  • What you yought do is ... ?

English Language : Adverbs of Intensity


  • completely
  • totally
  • thoroughly
  • absolutely
  • perfectly
  • extremely
  • Utterly

Kind of intense

  • fairly
  • rather
  • somewhat
  • moderately
  • considerably
  • nearly
  • kind of
  • sort of
  • noticeable

pretty intense

  • awfully
  • pretty
  • really
  • so
  • very
  • mostly
  • quite


  • a little
  • a bit
  • slightly

Common combinations

  • perfectly
  • sort of bland
  • a little hungry
  • absolutely certain
  • pretty sure
  • quite good
  • nearly exausted
  • mostly finished
  • noticeably different

English Language : Passive Prepositional Verbs

be aimed at

  • The advertisement was aimed at males between the ages of 18 to 34

be associcated with

  • Drinking milk is often associated with strong bones

be based on

  • The study was based on 10 years of close observation

be regarded/seen as

  • Albert Einstein is regarded as the premier theoretical physicist of the 20th century

be defined as

  • Darkness is defined as the absence of light

be derived from

  • Some medicines are derived from herbs

be divided into

  • Canada is divided into provinces and territories

be involved in

J. Robert Oppenheimer was the primary figure involved in the creation of the atomic bomb.

be known as

  • The Wright Brothers are popular known as the pioneers of humann flight

be prejudiced against

  • Human are often prejudiced againt people they do not understand

be required for

  • Regular sleep is required for good health

be used in

Flamethrowers were first used in WW I

English Language : Money

Level of wealth

  • poor
    • broke, living check to check
  • rich
    • loaded, well-off

Spending habits

  • cheap
  • frugal
  • a penny pincher

Going out

  • Wanna split the bill ?
  • pay for someone
    • I will cover you
    • I will get it
    • I got it
    • It's on me
    • My treat

Using the ATM

  • I need to make a withdrawal
  • I need to withdraw some money
  • I need to make a deposit
  • I need to deposite some money

Currency vocabulary

  • bucks = dollars ( 10 bucks )
  • a grand = a thousand dollars (2 grand)
  • $0.25 = a quarta
  • $0.10 = a dime
  • $0.05 = a nickel
  • $0.01 = a penny
  • CAD$1.00 = a loonie
  • CAD$$2.00 = a toonie

English Language : Learn 26 adjectives to describe the taste and texture of food


  • Sweet ( sugar )
  • Sour ( lemon )
  • Bitter ( medicine )
  • Bland ( potatoes )
    • Plain
  • Spicy ( jalapenos )
  • Salty ( chips )
  • Savory ( creamy | soups )


  • Crunchy
  • Crispy ( fried food )
  • Mealy ( soft and sandy )
  • Mushy
  • Soggy ( wet )
  • Juicy
  • Fatty
  • Oily
    • Greasy
  • Character
  • Rich
  • Decadent
  • Heavy, Ripe

English Language : 35 words that we shorten in conversation

  • abdominal muscles - abs
  • administration - admin
  • application - app (software)
  • fabulous - fab
  • favourite - fave
  • delicious - delish
  • identification - ID
  • information - info
  • radical - rad (cool)
  • comfortable - comfy
  • advertisement - ad
  • laboratory - lab
  • limousine - limo
  • maximum - max
  • medication - meds
  • overdose -OD
  • referee - ref
  • underware - undies
  • representative - rep
    • represent

English Language : EFFECT and CAUSE VERBS


  • Cause
    The 2008 financial crisis caused several problems for multinational banks

  • Produce
    The medication did not produce the desired effect

  • Lead to
    Several international incidents led to WWII

  • Result in
    The earchquake resulted in thousands of deaths

  • Create
    The increasing rate of crime is creating numerous issues

  • Bring about
    The new regime brought about stricter laws

  • Give rise to
    The election result gave rise to public protests

  • be responsible for
    No one knows who was responsible for the vandalism


  • be caused by
    The governmental collapse was caused by the implementation of unpopular policies

  • be produced by
    The vast majority of air pollution in Europe is produced by fertilisers and animal waste.

  • be brought about by
    Major economic benefits could be brought about by the adoption of solar roofs

  • result from
    Many benefits quickly result from exercise

  • stem from
    Most of our early beliefs stem from our parents

  • be triggered by
    World War I was triggered by the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand

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Issue you might see below error while trying to run embedded-redis for your testing on your macOS after you upgrade to Sonoma. java.la...