How to custom storage adapters to make your self-hosted Ghost instance filesystem completely external?

I set up my self-hosted Ghost on a free Google Compute Engine(a E2 micro GCP VM instance) several years ago.

The free disk after running a Ghost on the vm is only about 6G left, while

Ghost uses local file storage by default

In order to save the free space, I would like to seek a way to save images into external storage.

The above code section is based on this Ghost source commit.

After dive deep into Ghost open source, you can change the above /images/upload implementation and save the file to any external storages such as AWS s3.

Or you can follow this official config guide:

You can refer to this widely tested AWS s3 adapter.

My custom idea: try to use Oracle free 40G database to save images

I always like free storage. Oracle JSON database can give you 2 instances, 20G each.
In a word, Oracle give you 40G free database storage.
I am thinking custom the upload endpoint's implementation and save the image files into Oracle JSON database.

POST http://localhost:2368/ghost/api/admin/images/upload/

The response will be like below:
dbx the Oracle json database instance(since Oracle gives 2 free instances).
idx the json document unique id saved into Oracle json database.

We need to provide a new endpoint to parse the above response url.
Since we save it in JSON format, while browser expects an image source url to return an image binary.

This is just a proposal, I will share the implementation once done.

I implemented the custom storage adapter and let it open source. See this post to find how I build up the storage adapter.

set up jest for your typescript project and how to import txt files in your unit tests


Getting Started

These instructions will get you setup to use ts-jest in your project. For more detailed documentation, please check online documentation.

using npmusing yarn
Prerequisitesnpm i -D jest typescriptyarn add --dev jest typescript
Installingnpm i -D ts-jest @types/jestyarn add --dev ts-jest @types/jest
Creating confignpx ts-jest config:inityarn ts-jest config:init
Running testsnpm t or npx jestyarn test or yarn jest

to import txt file as string, via jest-raw-loader

/** @type {import('ts-jest/dist/types').InitialOptionsTsJest} */
module.exports = {
preset: 'ts-jest',
testEnvironment: 'node',
"transform": {
"\\.txt$": "jest-raw-loader"

or follow if you are using next.js

Import txt files as string into your next.js App

 import file from './xxx.txt'

Webpack 5 has 'Asset Modules' to allow you to import assets without configuring loaders now.

Next.js use Webpack 5 internally, so we can use 'source assets' to import txt files as strings.

Two steps to let you be able to import a txt file as a string.

custom Webpack config for next.js

test: /\.txt$/i,
type: 'asset/source'

declare txt as a module for typescript

Wildcard module declarations can be used to cover these cases.

declare module '*.txt' {
const content: string;
export default content;


import t1 from './1.txt'


event - compiled successfully

The full commit to enabling import txt files in your next.js app


fixed: embedded-redis: Unable to run on macOS Sonoma

Issue you might see below error while trying to run embedded-redis for your testing on your macOS after you upgrade to Sonoma.